Contact evangelism is similar to what is we see in John 4, where Jesus meets and speaks with the woman at the well. We also see it in the passage in Acts 17, where it speaks of Paul in Athens talking to anyone he happened to meet in the marketplace.
Both Jesus and Paul have the goal of sharing the gospel with others. Jesus begins his discussion with the woman at the well with water. He actually began this discussion with a request, “Give me a drink.” She is very surprised that Jesus’ disregard of the social custom and she becomes curious. From this, Jesus presents the gospel to a lost and hungry soul.
Similarly, Paul is talking to those he meets also using the signs he observes in the culture. He ends up being brought before the intellectuals of Athens at Marks Hill. Using his observations of their culture provides Paul the ability to share the gospel.
It’s important to realize that the one sharing the gospel is intentional about it. One who has a heart for winning others for Christ should want to speak with strangers about the gospel. Jesus said, “The fields are white unto harvest,” which means, there are people out there who want to know about him and he has already prepared the hearts to receive the Good News.
I believe our culture is spiritually hungry. When a person is open to talk, introduce yourself to that person and ask him or her if he or she is a person of faith. Listen to his or her story, allowing God to guide you. Sharing the Gospel is often over thought by Christians, we should rest in the fact that it is the Holy Spirits responsibility to bear witness to the truth. We are called to come along side Him in His work.
Soli Deo Gloria